Aljoscha Burchardt

Aljoscha Burchardt is senior researcher and lab manager at the Speech and Language Technology Lab of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH). He is an expert in Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology. His interests include the evaluation of (machine) translation quality and the inclusion of language professionals in the MT R&D workflow. Burchardt is co-developer of the MQM framework for measuring translation quality. He has a background in semantic Language Technology. After his PhD in Computational Linguistics at Saarland University he coordinated the Center of Research Excellence "E-Learning 2.0" at Technische Universität Darmstadt. Burchardt is Research Fellow of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and Deputy Chairman of the Berlin Scientific Society (Berliner Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft). He is also a member of the Enquete-commission on Artificial Intelligence of the German Parliament.

Intelligence in the Age of Its Technical Reproducibility? What are Machine Learning and AI all About?

Track 2: Learning Machines
Date: Day 1 – 12:30
Location: Neufert-Mansion, Gelmeroda
Language: German

Currently, hardly any other topic stirs people’s emotions as much as Artificial Intelligence (AI). While Hollywood fires up apocalyptic fantasies, on the other hand one wonders what the truth is about this new rocket technology. We had become accustomed to the changes brought about by industrial robots and information processing and had come to terms with them. After the recent successes of IBM Watson, Google Translate, AlphaGo and others, even the last bastion of mankind seems no longer to be protected from automation – creative work. In my talk, I will examine the terms “digital transformation”, “algorithm”, “machine learning”, and “AI”, and discuss what the current hype is all about.

Under the patronage of

Deutsche UNESCO Kommission

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