Claudia Brückner

Claudia Brückner is an Experience & Workshop Designer and Innovation Consultant & Facilitator based in Berlin. She designs and facilitates formats and spaces that empower new ways of working, learning, collaboration, human interaction and innovation. Claudia has developed event formats and concepts — from large-scale conferences to tailored workshops and trainings. So far, she has supported conferences such as re:publica, DMY Berlin, Service Experience Camp, Synchronicity Berlin, Digital Bauhaus Summit and facilitated innovation processes for clients such as BASF, Wired, Fraunhofer, Deutsche Bahn and E.ON. Claudia also co-initiated the 4531km road trip through Europe. As well she runs the Newsletter Experience Design News. Born in East Germany. Temporarily escaped to the South Pacific. Currently lives and works in Berlin.
Photo by Carolin Weinkopf

"Get out Your Notebooks, Class Test!" (Helge Schneider) – No! Rather, We Ask: Is Non-Learning Possible? An Exploration into the Unknown

Track 1: Learning Practices
Date: Day 1 – 16:00
Location: Neufert-Mansion, Gelmeroda
Language: German + English

In our society, learning itself is elevated to an ideal in a quasi-dogmatic way. Can there be, besides the practices of institutional or autodidactic learning, the avoidance or even exclusion from the eternal compulsion to learn? To find out, we will leave the classical teaching and learning spaces for lectures, workshops or plenary sessions behind and ignore the didactic framing of information transfer, task definition and control as well. And we leave the (unwilling to learn?!) individuals following this invitation completely to themselves and the artistic process in nature.

Under the patronage of

Deutsche UNESCO Kommission

Supported by


Organized by

Media and event partners
